Are you an agency owner overwhelmed by a never-ending to-do list?

Do you find yourself juggling multiple tasks, struggling to keep up with client demands and business growth?

The constant challenge of managing your agency’s operations while maintaining a high level of quality can be exhausting. But what if there was a solution that could alleviate your workload and free up your time for strategic activities?

Freelancers can be the key to unlocking more hours in your day and more dollars for your bottom line. Get ready to discover how to regain control of your time, increase productivity, and scale your agency like never before.

Welcome to a world where time is on your side.

What’s Eating all Your Time?

Time thieves.

We’ve all got ‘em.

They disguise themselves as mundane tasks, lurking in the shadows, waiting to steal your valuable moments. These time thieves, with their never-ending demands, keep you from nurturing the strategic initiatives that could actually move the needle for your business.

Here’s just a few of the common time-consuming tasks that agency owners like you often add to your overflowing plate.

 Content Creation and Copywriting:
  • Crafting compelling content
  • Researching the right keywords
  • Researching topics
  • Brainstorming ideas
  • Splintering long-form content
 Graphic Design and Visual Assets:
  • Designing eye-catching graphics, logos, and marketing materials
  • Videography
  • Acquiring and mastering design software tools
Social Media Management:
  • Consistent content creation
  • Scheduling
  • Community engagement
  • Staying current with platform algorithms, trends, and best practices
  • Responding to customer inquiries
Data Analysis and Reporting:
  • Analyzing campaign performance, extracting insights, and preparing comprehensive reports
  • Collecting and organizing data from multiple sources
  • Keeping track of key performance indicators (KPIs)
  Administrative and Operational Tasks:
  • Scheduling meetings, managing emails, and organizing files
  • Coordinating projects
  • Managing invoices, contracts, and other paperwork

Managing these tasks in-house is rough. Your time is finite, and taking on every single responsibility will your ability to focus on the things that really drive growth and generate revenue.

Additionally, as your agency expands, the workload becomes even more overwhelming, making it difficult to maintain quality and meet deadlines consistently.

Outsource these tasks.

By delegating these responsibilities to skilled professionals, you can get your hours back, increase productivity, and focus on the core areas of your business that need you the most.

Remember: your time is one of your most valuable assets. Take proactive steps to optimize your operations and achieve greater efficiency by leveraging the expertise of freelancers.

Outsourcing for Digital Agencies

The Benefits of Hiring Freelancers

Save time, save time, save time. You get it. But there are way more benefits from hiring freelancers for your digital agency.

Specialized Skills and Expertise:

Freelancers bring a wealth of specialized skills and knowledge to the table.  Not an artist? Hire a graphic designer. Does it feel like your website hates you every time you try to upload anything? Hire a web developer. Keyword research, content writing, and more… You have easy and affordable access to experts. Stop throwing your time away trying to master everything yourself.

Flexibility and Scalability:

Freelancers offer the flexibility to scale your resources based on project needs. You can easily ramp up or down your freelancer requirements as your workload fluctuates. This scalability allows you to adapt quickly to client demands and seize new business opportunities without the constraints of hiring and onboarding full-time employees.


The only thing that’s almost as good as saving time is saving money. Some would even argue saving money is more important. Others would say time IS money, so it’s a moot point.

Hiring freelancers cuts down on the costs of trying to onboard an employee. Building off their flexibility, you only hire freelancers when you need them. No retainer fees, no office space, just extra funds to put towards building your business.

Fresh Perspectives and Innovation:

Collaborating with freelancers brings fresh perspectives and diversity of ideas to your agency. Their varied experiences across different industries and clients can inspire innovation and creative problem-solving.

Give your marketing the creative boost it deserves by bringing in some big new brains.

Reduced Learning Curve:

Learning new skills or mastering complex software tools can take forever and chances are by the time you’ve mastered one, it’s outdated already. By hiring freelancers, you bypass the need for extensive training or upskilling in areas outside your core expertise.

Freelancers come with the required skills, allowing you to save time and focus on what you do best.

Time Savings:

It’s just so important that I’m going to say it again.  In fact, let’s look at some hypotheticals:

To illustrate the time-saving potential of hiring freelancers, let’s take a look at those tasks we mentioned earlier and break down the hours it would typically take to manage these tasks in-house. Keep in mind that your timelines will vary, especially in areas where a specific skill set is required, like graphic design. Here are some examples:

Content Creation and Copywriting: approximately 10-15 hours per week.

Graphic Design and Visual Assets: 5-8 hours per week.

Social Media Management: 10-16 hours per week.

Data Analysis and Reporting: 8-12 hours per week.

Administrative and Operational Tasks: 10-15 hours per week.

>> Check out this blog post to learn about the great freelancing platforms out there. <<

By giving these tasks to freelancers, you could potentially save 43+ hours per week. Imagine the possibilities and the meaningful impact this extra time can have on your agency’s growth.

With the right knowledge, freelancers become an extension of your team, helping you put out higher-quality work even faster than before.

Hiring Great Freelancers

Overcoming Challenges

I’ve heard every reason that business owners hesitate to hire freelancers. Most of them are completely valid concerns, especially if you don’t know the ins and outs of the freelancing world.

Here are some strategies to overcome the biggest challenges I’ve seen and build long-term relationships with reliable freelancers.

Building trust and ensuring reliability is essential when working with freelancers.

You need to make sure your business (or your client’s business) is in good hands. Start by reviewing their portfolios, reading client testimonials, and requesting work samples.

You might even want to hire them for a test run or a smaller project to see how well you work together. Keep an eye out for how well and often they communicate and if they follow through with every promise.

>>Check out this blog on how to avoid major outsourcing pitfalls<<

Maintaining quality control is another concern. A lot of agency owners shy away at the notion of letting someone else handle their baby. Now, I’m not saying you should micromanage your freelancers—that won’t save you any time. However, set yourself up for success with clear communication. Include project requirements, brand guides, and more. If you’re not clear, then it won’t matter how many freelancers you go through, you won’t get what you want.  Be sure to fully review every project before giving it your final approval.

Outline project timelines, deliverables, and preferred methods of communication. Regular check-ins and transparent communication will foster a great working relationship.

But how do you find the freelancers who really get it? Who can deliver excellent results over and over again? Here’s how you can find them and build a great working relationship.

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How to Find and Work with Freelancers

 Clear Project Scope and Expectations:
  • Clearly define the scope, objectives, and deliverables of the project.
  • Set realistic timelines and communicate any specific requirements.
  • Create a shared understanding of project goals and outcomes.
 Thorough Vetting and Qualification:
  • Take the time to vet freelancers based on their experience, portfolio, and client feedback.
  • Look for freelancers who align with your agency’s values and demonstrate a strong work ethic.
  • Consider conducting interviews or requesting references to gain additional insights.
Effective Communication and Collaboration:
  • Establish open and transparent communication channels from the beginning.
  • Clearly communicate project milestones, timelines, and preferred methods of communication.
  • Regularly check in with freelancers to address any questions or concerns
Clear Guidelines and Feedback:
  • Provide detailed project briefs and guidelines
  • Offer constructive feedback throughout the project
  • Encourage freelancers to ask questions and provide suggestions
Building Long-Term Relationships:
  • Offer fair compensation and timely payments
  • Recommend them and provide them with good reviews and testimonial

Overall, the “right” freelancer is going to deliver high-quality work within your (reasonable) budget, and they are also going to work well with your schedule and communication style. Sometimes you might find someone whose work is excellent, but they communicate poorly, or you don’t work well together. That’s ok, there are plenty of freelancers out there that are ready to be your perfect match.

Start on a smarter outsourcing path with our Free Guide, ‘Outsource with Confidence‘. Tap into wisdom gained from more than 1,000 Fiverr orders and 350+ freelancer relationships.